Implementing security controls to reduce security risks: 3 types of security controls


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After you have identified security risks in your organization, the next logical step is to start implementing a security risk management system. Implementing security controls are an essential component when organizing your risk management to respond to various risks.

What are security controls?
Security controls are the safeguards and countermeasures your organization would put into place to mitigate the chances that a weakness or vulnerability in your system is exploited by a threat. For example, patching software applications with security upgrades will reduce the chances of being attacked successfully in cyberspace. Furthermore, a business places implementation of security controls as a high priority when a large negative impact will unfold due to exploited vulnerabilities.

Implementing security controls: types of security controls
Let’s take a look at what the types of security controls are. The first type are physical controls which can be fences, gates, locks, CCTV, surveillance devices, access cards The second type are administrative controls such as: separation of duties, data classification, audit logs, security operating policies, disaster recovery and incident response plans. The third type are technical controls including: firewalls, network traffic filters in the form of access control lists, intrusion detection and prevention systems, antiviruses, virus quarantine, honeypots (interior devices which distract attackers and keeps them busy after their intrusion in the company networks)

Functions of security controls
Implementing security controls for each of the mentioned types are based on their functions: preventative, detective and corrective. Some preventative controls are: fences, locks, gates, separation of duties, security operating policies, employment policies, antivirus software, multi-factor-authentication account access. Surveillance cameras, intrusion detection systems, audit logs, and honeypots are detective controls since they locate, identify, and detect the cybersecurity threats. Corrective controls of different types mean to remediate the systems and return them to the functional state as designed. Some of them are: business continuity and disaster recovery plans, patches and upgrades of information systems, physical damage repairs, re-issue of access cards, reboot systems and quarantine of a virus.

Even the smallest action related to implementing security controls can deliver a significant result having positive consequences for your business while contributing to its continuous strength. Choosing what security controls to add or change in your business might be a daunting task for you, so rely on our specialists to help you.