How to Make Twitter Work for You?

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Twitter having people working in more than 35 offices worldwide represents a mix of social media, blogging and texting. According to their mission, Twitter supports freedom of expression strongly considering that every voice has the power to impact the world.

Based on broadcast, receive process, your message contains a tweet and proves useful for someone who may find you. Compared to other social media platforms, it allows a fewer number of characters in a tweet proving ideal for those who do not like to write and still want to spread info and get informed on a diversity of topics.

Below are several notable aspects:

  • each Twitter message contains 280 or fewer characters making it focused thus getting access to a broad audience
  • 260 million worldwide, people and businesses use Twitter and about 80% originate in countries other than the US
  • overall, the audience by age group is balanced, just over half are up to 44 years
  • almost 60% have income greater than $50K annually
  • the frequency of the broadcast messages is fantastic at almost 6000 tweets sent every second
  • of all B2B business users, 75% use Twitter to market their products and services
  • between the fall of 2017 and 2018, the usage of Twitter ads and all the marketing, advertising activities around them increased 50%
  • businesses, organizations and individuals who run events love Twitter as it has the right tools to attract, keep interested, and develop relationships within the duration of the event. People spend 4% more time on Twitter while events occur than otherwise.

Your organization can use Twitter to improve your presence on the web. Remember that you can do a few things right from the start, such as sending focused messages to your audience, your customers. If you already have a few customers, look for them in Twitter and invite them to follow you. Should you learn that they do not have a Twitter account, contact them personally and explain your invitation to join Twitter.

This social media is open so you can any time read someone’s tweets, follow and unfollow at your pace. Attaching an image with your tweet, makes your audience respond 55% more to your message. Attaching a video with your tweet, your audience engagement raises more than ten times.

The benefits of using Twitter:

  • your ideas penetrate your audience in a few words, targeting your message to the audience
  • your can select your specific audience from the broad Twitter members as it contains a large spread of age, backgrounds and present a solid income
  • twitter checks the user accounts regularly, intensively and removes the fake accounts so its easier on all users to deal with a “cleaner” audience

Concerning the use of advertising to promote your business, profession or event, the Twitter tools can help you find the right audience from the broad to a very specific one by targeting, applying the basics, and selecting an audience with particulars you may expect for each campaign. For detailed Twitter advertising, get in touch with the iQWeb specialists at 1-877-99- IQWEB or so you can reach your marketing goals with Twitter and other social media.