Using an email marketing list properly will get more sales for your company. You could build your own free email marketing list. Access your email accounts and browse your contacts. Navigate through your contacts in the social media platforms or in your Gmail account if applicable. You can build your list and not buy one. It’s not illegal to buy a list, but you always must contact the owner of email to ask permission to send them marketing emails. Contacting via email is more personal than just sending a message in a platform. Let’s then take a look at common and creative ways to build your
Free email marketing list to boost business revenues
- Create a short focused survey on your website to ask 1 -3 questions customers care most about. Time up the survey and ask for the email address.
- Create a call to action that resonates to the visitor. For instance, instead of “Submit” or “OK” also add “Yes, I want to get more good customers”
Explain to your buyers the value of your emails. How you educate them in real time. Maybe they don’t have time to visit your website often. Or you don’t even post this tip on your website.
- Write your website posts or call to action with humor. People will be more attracted to subscribe when they see a link “No, thanks, I don’t want to solve my business problem”
- Build separate pages on your website specifically to attract customers, to explain your products in detail.
- Give incentives for immediate sign up. They could be bonuses, or discounts.
- Include the call to action button on every web page fitting in naturally.
- Send your newsletter to your social media accounts for traction and building a free email marketing list
- Scroll your call to action dialog box at the top or at the bottom of the web page. During a campaign, some days set the box to appear at the top, and some days set it to appear at the bottom.
- Pop-up subscription dialog box attracts the web visitors’ attention. And so does the slide-in subscription box. Use enticing words such as “Access now,” “Read it,” “Exclusive.”
- Create separate emails for specific segments of your customers. From surveys you can learn what products some customers want relative to other customers. Send email according to this criteria.
Ask visitors to subscribe through a free online tool.
- Give additional advice on specific subjects.
- Create new offers that require your web visitors email address in exchange. For instance, a booklet or eBook about the topic they are interested in.
- Rebuild your email marketing list using an older list for a new tempting campaign. Include an opt-in emphasizing that the non-responders’ email addresses will be removed from the list.
- Expand your list by giving incentives to subscribers to share your emails.
Create invaluable email content your customers are eager to read.
- Create a post in any social media account with a snippet of your business newsletter.
- Your post in social media has content which requires an email address to access.
- If you make an YouTube video add engagement features to it. They lead to your web pages where you grab their attention, gives incentives and they opt in.
- Your YouTube video description contains your landing page with your email sign-up link.
- Have your email newsletter on social media exhibit headers and images linked to your website.
- Call to action to build your email marketing list in any profile in your social media accounts.
Your social media account profile photo shows a link to encourage users to read your newsletter in exchange for their email address.
- Run contests with attractive prizes to expand your email marketing list.
- Add a share button in the emails sent by your employees to customers. Encourage email readers to forward and share the emails.
- Increase your email marketing list writing a blog with high interests for your readers.
- Require email addresses for all off line events: trade shows, charity events, contests, festivals.
- Collect email address from a business partner website. From a shared contest, co-host an event, free exhibition of products and services.
- Advertise a free webinar with a sign-up button.
- Write to a influential blogger platform as a guest.
Create a pop-up with an opt-in form to ask users for feedback on your website.
- Organize a web page primarily for testimonials and include a sign-up form to subscribe to an email list.
- Make the initial opt-in form for your web visitors simple. One or two fields to gather the right information suffice.
- Give your web visitors or social media readers lots of free, and valuable information to highly benefit their business first. Then, give them more useful, first-class, superior information while increasing your email marketing list.
- Put a call to action button at the top and bottom of your business pages in social media
Free email marketing lists services
Some of the popular free email services are:
- Sendinblue
- Mailjet
- Mailchimp
The first two approve unlimite subscribers’ list. While all allow sending 1000 and more monthly email sends
Your options to increase the business email marketing list are countless. You could approach having more users to share your content through different channels. Your website, various social media, partners’ help or offline events are among the most valuable. You may find creative ways to request our customers’ and clientele information. Don’t forget, the more you know about them, the better you serve them.