Should I move my data to the Cloud? 4 Cloud Migration Benefits


Credits: Pxhere

Cloud computing, which refers to data and systems moving to “the cloud,” provides fast, convenient, and cost-effective online access to a shared pool of computing resources adaptable through configuration. These resources are servers, storage, applications, and services. Since your business is growing and so are its systems and data reflecting your business transactions, the capacity to store data does not increase proportionally. Business owners need to find creative ways to keep their data safe, accessible, and flexible.

Therefore, cloud storage and usage has emerged. Large cloud providers – Microsoft, Google, Amazon to name a few – have created platforms to facilitate data migration online for any business regardless of the size. Let’s look at some benefits of cloud migration.

Collaboration and Accessibility

Collaboration among team members is easier in the cloud. Meetings, discussions, live conferences and broadcasting are faster and more effective. Individuals with disabilities experience better online service with access to AI tools. All engage in communication with better device access, device control, content reading and relevant images and surroundings.


Cloud providers help prospective users to calculate their costs in advance. You can project the application usages, data storage, and other services based on the time you access the services. Costs are projected and you make decisions based on them. Depending on the services, you may also have access to virtual servers or other equipment and receive automatic upgrades.

Security of cloud migration

Data security becomes critical in present business ecosystems. Cloud data security or the security controls, policies, technologies, and services protecting each bit of data in the cloud from unauthorized access, breaches, exfiltration, or any type of loss are part of cloud components and in the agreement the businesses have with the cloud providers. Businesses need to give special attention to this section and know their obligations as well as the provider’s obligations, terms and conditions regarding company data protection when closing agreements.

Data compliance and sovereignty

Data compliance according to regulation and sovereignty which means keeping it within certain jurisdictions. They mean specific locations required by the law. For example, if a business conducts transactions with the government, they are restricted to specific regulations about data storage and location. Such rules and regulations must be followed accurately so the company would not be in breach of their agreement with the government. And when your representative talks to a cloud provider, mention simply what are your needs while requesting simple, understandable language so your rights and obligations under the contract are clear and easy to follow.

Essentially, cloud migration of business data or applications is fairly simple while you get assistance from the big cloud providers. Knowing, applying and improving the terms and conditions for your business when dealing with data in the cloud is crucial for your cloud migration, usage, and reliable storage of data and applications. Request guidance from iQWeb when you decide to use cloud applications.